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Unleash the Excitement with Upcoming Events at the National Videogame Museum
Turn Your Passion into a Rewarding Future! Apply for Scholarships at the National Videogame Museum!
Easter Hours 2023
The National Videogame Museum will be CLOSED Sunday, April 9th for the Easter holiday. We apologize for the inconvenience!
NVM will be giving out double tokens September 12 to celebrate National Video Games Day!
In collaboration with Leonhart and Rare Candy, the N.V.M proudly presents our latest exhibit, featuring a chronicle of almost three decades of Pokemon history, trivia, and artifacts!
Celebrate National Scavenger Hunt Day on Friday, May 24th, 2024. The National Videogame Museum is giving you the opportunity to take your adventures out of Hyrule and into real life…
Recent Events
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